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Showing posts from December, 2014

Let's Talk About Fat

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. Let's talk fat... abdominal fat that is... it's my problem area.. the area I tried to hide.. the one that peeks out from beneath my clothes... my muffin top... my cake top depending on how much I've eaten and what I'm wearing. I think you get the point.... so let me introduce you to The Ozeri Body Tape Measure and Body Fat Test Caliper Combo Pack The concept is really quite simple.

De-railed By Sickness

There's nothing like a sick kid to totally rearrange your plans and set your heart into a flutter of worry. Lil Man started with a little cough on Friday. That cough has turned into this... one scary as heck time of our lives..

Christmas In The Glass House

*affiliate links I type this as Lil Man is wheezing beside me. Having a child with a bad chest cold, combine that with asthma, and to this first-time inexperienced Mom, it scares me a little when he isn't breathing the way that I think he should. We haven't been anywhere or been around anyone since Tuesday, so I'm not really sure where he picked up this bug, unless it was when we were out and about on Tuesday. The coughing started out small yesterday, and by the end of the day it ended in full blown croup-like sounds where he coughed so hard that he vomited. Thankfully after a restless night he is resting at the moment. But I wanted to tell you about Christmas this year at our house. Holidays are a difficult time for me - with Thanksgiving being the worst with missing our family. But Christmas is usually a time of joy for us because of Lil Man. So I was super excited this year because Lil Man was beyond excited for Christmas. He enjoyed his Bobo (our elf), and we co...

Aurorae Impressions Illuminate Your Life Yoga Mat

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. As you know, I'm currently injured ( The Post I Didn't Want To Write - Physical Therapy Happened ). So for 2 weeks, I'm only approved to do my PT exercises (boo - hiss!) But, on a positive note, I'm starting to see a little improvement with my flexibility when it comes to my hamstring. And although I can't do yoga ( just yet ), I can still use my beautiful Aurorae Impressions Crimson Sunset Yoga Mat   to do my PT exercises! 

A Love Letter From God Book Review & Giveaway

  Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. As you know, I'm Not Just A Runner , and one of the many things that I am is a stay-at-home Mom to Lil Man. He's my workout buddy, even through physical therapy. And one of the things that we enjoy doing together, other than exercising, dancing, throwing a ball, playing chase, trains and cars is read .

When Injuries Re-Write Your Future

I can't stress enough how being injured, or removed from something you really enjoy doing, gives you time to think and re-evaluate. You know those Spring races I was talking about possibly doing? Well.... that training plan that I had hoped to start the first of January is out the window...  I'm only currently approved to do PT exercises which is basically hip/core strength and stretching and very little of that.  I am seeing a little improvement in flexibility which is good. Even little progress is progress But my hopes of racing a Spring 10 miler...

Tired Of Your Kids Getting Dirt On The Back Of Your Auto Seat?

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. I don't know about you, but when I run I get pretty gross and sweaty. And I have a seat cover/towel that I put over my seat to help protect my car. Although Lil Man isn't running (just yet), he is always putting his nasty feet on the back of the seat. It drives.... me.... crazy! It's a constant battle of "Get your feet off of the seat please!" And I know he doesn't necessarily mean to do it, but it's just where his feet wind up when he's trying to get into his seat, or as we are driving. But, check this out!

The Post I Didn't Want To Write - Physical Therapy Happened

*This post contains affiliate links This is the post that I didn't want to write.... the ones that says I'm still injured, but finally went to physical therapy and the words  hamstring tendinopathy were mentioned (You can read more about it here  RunnerConnect )  No one, especially an injured runner wants to hear those words ....  because  my friends this injury might not be short-lived. It's also known to be  recurring  if not dealt with properly. And my  stubbornness  of putting off going to seek  medical  intervention surely didn't help the situation .  I was also diagnosed with a severely rotated pelvis. I was told that

SureSport Graduated Calf Compression Sleeves Review

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. Well, if you've been reading my blog, or know me in person, then you know that I love compression. After my calf injury this last year, well I won't workout without them. Yes, I even wear compression sleeves to spin class, on the elliptical... even rowing. For me, they aren't just for running. Yes, I am that girl that you see at the gym walking around with compression sleeves while doing bicep curls. Granted, I don't put them on just to do upper body work ;) But usually if I'm at the gym lifting weights, I am also doing some type of cardio while I'm there also. I had honestly never heard of SureSport Graduated Calf Compression Sleeves , but I was more than happy to give them a try. My first thought?

Kinetiks Knee Pain Relief Support Brace

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature. Throughout the years, on more than one occasion, I've needed a knee brace. But when I decided to review the  Kinetiks Knee pain relief brace , I didn't expect to actually need it. Surprise!!! ( feel the sarcasm ). This week I'm walking with knee pain. Grrr... apparently I either didn't have the spin bike set up right, or it's overuse and I've done too much too soon. Or it could be all of the above. Regardless, testing the Kinetiks Knee pain relief brace came at the right time for me. This is actually the first brace that I've tried that has a padded ring that goes around the knee cap to help hold the knee cap in place.

The Gift Of Giving #ChosenByKids Event

* This is a sponsored post. However all opinions expressed are my own.  Lil Man is old enough this year to understand the idea of receiving gifts and giving gifts. It melts my heart to see his excitement to give to others. He can't wait for Christmas morning so that he can give Daddy his gifts that he bought for him. But, one of his most favorite things this past weekend was picking out a toy for one of his best buddies at school. They are having their Christmas party this upcoming week. Each child was given a name of another student. And we were asked to take the child shopping with us, and let them pick out a toy for that individual. I honestly wasn't really sure how Lil Man would do. I mean, would he want to buy for himself instead of giving to someone else?  This is the toy department you know. Wow, was I pleasantly surprised at how excited he was to get a gift for someone else. We attended the #ChosenByKids Walmart Toyland event at our local Walmart where the lat...

I'm Sorry But I'm Injured And I Need To Whine

I apologize in advance, I really do. But I just need to whine - just a little. I am SOOOOOOOOOO over being injured. In fact, I'm so over being injured year after year. Since the year after my son was born, every Winter I have been injured. First it was 3 stress fractures in my foot after my 1st half, then it was tendonitis, then it was a torn calf muscle, and now it's a hamstring injury with a side of massive knee pain from trying to cross train. And I was just starting to really enjoy spin class ! I'm writing this with an ice pack on my knee.

Yoga Mat Bag By Gecko Active Review

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. Hot Diggity dog! I found it! Even though my yoga mat has a carrying strap, maybe it's just me, but I find the straps pretty annoying. Either they are slipping off the mat or slipping to the point that I'm dropping the mat, or I'm struggling just to get the strap on the mat. Either way I find it extremely irritating. I mean come on, who wants to lose their Zen from yoga to have to deal with trying to get their mat back in the strap.  Drum roll please, I introduce to you my yoga mat bag from gecko active.

Think Before You Drink That Protein Shake

Ok, so I've been going to early morning spin which means I come scooting into the house just in time to get Lil Man ready for pre-school and Hubby out the door for work. Sometimes I get a shower; sometimes I don't. And breakfast, well that has to be something super quick and on-the-go. Lately I've been getting a protein shake from the gym. I love them. I do. I have them make it with chocolate instead of vanilla. I mean they taste so good. But then I started thinking. You know, maybe they taste a little too good?

What 5 Days Of Eating Clean Did For Me

*affiliate links Well, the reality is that I was supposed to post my 'after' 30 day pics from eating cleaner next weekend. And I could post pics, but they will look the same as the first ones because honestly my challenge didn't really happen when I had hoped it would. I kept doing that vicious cycle of starting over again and again. But, this past weekend I joined the clean eating challenge on Facebook, and I have to say that well, for the most part I stuck with it. I am finding ( I hope ) my balance, and my lifestyle plan. I plan to post my 30 day pics on January 1st . But I did want to show you these. And no, not because I really need to get my nails done. But I have been having problems with achy joints, unable to close my hand completely etc. After 5 days of ditching most of the processed food, I could close my hand completely. Then I had an over-indulgence day - and not to say that these won't happen from time to time. And I don't plan to feel gu...

I'm Not Just A Runner

Hi, I'm Amy. I run. For many years I thought being a runner was the only thing that defined me - my identity. Well I'm here to tell you I'm not just a runner. Being injured or at a time where running wasn't an option (when I was pregnant) gave me time, whether I wanted it or not, to self reflect. I really didn't have much choice when the 'one' thing that you think you are isn't available - it's super easy to get lost.  And I felt myself spiraling down a path I didn't want it take. I didn't deal with those thoughts this go around with injury because with being removed from running in the past I've already had time to realize...                        

Who Knew Cross-training Could Be So Much Fun

*affiliate links in post I'm not going to sugar coat it (no pun intended) being injured isn't fun. Truth be told it might be time for Dr. intervention - giving it a few more weeks to see what happens. But the unexpected happened, I am developing a fondness for spin class. I know right?!? Just Monday this was me. ( Crabby Injured Runner Goes To Spin Class ) Wednesday, well I made it 10 minutes before I thought I was in hell :-)

Strengthen Your Core With Pilates For Dancers DVD

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature. I've had several running injuries throughout the years, and most of them have been related to my lack of core strength. And I will be the first to tell you that I pretty much hate working my core. But I know the importance of having a strong core, so I'm trying to make core work a staple in my routine. And Pilates for Dancers is one or the most comprehensive step by step Pilates DVDs that I have ever seen.

Crabby Injured Runner Goes To Spin Class

It wasn't my intention - spin class today. My plan was to plug along on the bike out on the gym floor, then maybe row a little, and do a little upper body work. I had causually mentioned to a lady in the locker room if she was going to spin class and did it normally fill up. She said yes to both. I told her thanks. I had planned to just use the bike on the floor, but I thought I might come to spin some morning.  So I was quite surprised as I was out on the gym floor, struggling (literally) to get my bike set up. Why must it be so complicated to simply move a seat up and down and forward and back? I mean really, it shouldn't require that much work,  especially  at 5:45 in the morning. But she comes over and says the class is full, but her friend didn't make it. So there is a seat by her. Come to class today.  Um.. ok.. I muttered ( so not what I intended to do today ). 

Bamboo Pro™ Self-Warming Knee Support Review And Giveaway

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. In addition to my other little aches and pains from running, I have in the past worn a knee brace (just the over the counter kind that you buy from drug stores). And so far, they seem to have helped whatever small knee pains that ailed me. Bamboo Pro™ Self-Warming Knee Support Lately, I’m dealing with some joint pain, and I’m finding that heat seems to help. So when I heard about the Bamboo Pro™ Self-Warming Knee Support I was anxious to try it out.

It's Perfect Isn't It? The Lives We See On Facebook

****Originally posted last year 2013 on my blog A Day In The Life Of Mrs. Glass  , but I thought I would recycle it and share it again. It's a good reminder - especially for me who at times struggles as I see the seemingly perfect lives on Facebook. **** It's perfect isn't it.... the lives we see on Facebook... usually happy faces of people doing fun stuff ALL of the time. This time of the year you see pictures of Santa, Gingerbread houses, and an ungodly amount of cookies being baked.  I suppose your newsfeed will relate to your friends and interests. Mine is a nice mixture of toddlers, families, and runners posting pics of their latest runs and races. And from the outside looking in, it looks (other than the occasional 'I am stressed rant') pretty darn perfect... these lives.... these people posting their daily adventures. But I have to stop and ask you, is it? Yes, there is a gorgeous picture of a smiling family, but maybe what w...

The Hope Was To Eat Clean The Realty Was Oreos For Breakfast

Yeah, how I looked when caught with the cookies Image Source When your day starts with chocolate covered Oreos and it ends with a greasy pepperoni pizza, you pretty much know that you did not reach your dietary goals for the day. sigh... double sigh... triple sigh... That my friends was my day last Wednesday. I didn't plan it to be that way. But after a frustrating walk on the treadmill that's right I said walk instead of run because my hamstring is still really giving me trouble, and when I took my son to preschool and there were plates of cookies everywhere, I thought that I was just going to bypass it. And then ... I saw...the chocolate covered Oreo cookies . I'll eat just one I said. Three cookies later I'm taking my kid up the stairs to his classroom.

Our Holiday Traditions Making Memories #ChosenByKids Event

This is a sponsored post. However all opinions expressed are my own.  The holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is right around the corner. Lil Man is beyond excited! He is old enough this year to really get into the festivities. And as I started putting out the decorations he wanted everything in his room. ha With our family being in the South, and us living in PA, our holiday traditions each year are sort of evolving into our own. Our first year that Hubby and I celebrated our first Christmas, it was just the two of us. Money was tight, but I still wanted a tree. And although gifts were not important, I at least wanted us to be able to have something under the tree and to open on Christmas day.  Our solution? We each took $5 and bought five $1 gifts. Oh yes, I'm for real. It was so much fun. We shopped at the same time - not letting the other person see what we were buying. And part of the deal was that it had to include wrapping. So, we de...

Let The Fun Begin With Salsa Dance Mastery System

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature. After discovering that ballroom dancing wasn't too far fetched for me to learn, I decided to check out salsa dancing with the Salsa Dance Mastery System . I am mesmerized watching people salsa dance. I love the music.... too bad I can't away my hips ;)