Are blogs a thing of the past? Maybe... but each year when my domain comes up for renewal, I can't help but renew it. I don't know. I guess it's been a part of me for so long that I really don't want to let it go. So I'll keep plugging along. Those of you that want to read it will. Those that don't, well you don't know what you are missing 😂 I learned a long time ago that I have a voice. I also have a choice in how I use it. Today, I hope you find some encouragement in what I have to say. In case you haven't figured this out by now, I'm a planner. I know shocker right?!? So although I love substitute teaching, it's making the planner in me anxious. And it's been reeking havoc on my workouts. Basically the morning of or maybe the night before, I find out if I'm working. So my day (that I thought I had planned) can be turned upside down in an instant. But truthfully, isn’t that really the same with everyone? Kids gets sick. We get sic...
My mission is to encourage a healthy lifestyle by sharing my personal experiences, workout ideas and relevant product reviews. I am committed to being totally transparent with myself and my readers. #WillRun4IceCream