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Showing posts from July, 2016

Just Me And My Skirt Sports Jette

FYI - all links in the body of this post are affiliate links,  which means I receive a commission if you make a purchase using the affiliate link. If you've been any where near me lately you've probably noticed that I've been wearing the jette  What's a jette you say?

WIN Detergent Works Wonders

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received WIN Detergent for free from WIN products in consideration for a gear review  What's that smell? I just washed these. Anyone else ever have this issue? I found out the stinky way that washing with my same ole go-to detergent doesn't always work when it comes to workout gear. I tried some home made ideas and that 'helped'. But I didn't feel that it eliminated all of the odor. Then I tried WIN . I have sensitive skin so I was happy to see that not only does WIN come in fresh scent but it also comes in a dye and fragrance free version. I brought back a lot of smelly clothes from our long summer trip, and I'd like to report that ( affiliate link )   WIN  removed all of the odor.

I Have A Confession To Make About My Weight

I have a confession to make.... and it's definitely one that I'm not proud of. I thought that maybe going 'silent' would mean that I didn't have to deal with it. But that's not the reality. I've been eating my emotions.. ALL of my emotions. I'm happy - I eat . I'm sad - I eat . I'm angry - I eat. I'm stressed - I ea t. I'm bored - I eat . And well, you get the picture. I stepped on the scale at the gym... defeated doesn't even begin to explain how I felt. I knew. My clothes told me. I didn't need 'a scale' to tell me. I knew. I kept saying that I was just 'bloated' or this or that. But the cold hard reality is no... I've gained more weight and slipped back into the all or nothing mentality. When I got injured from the dog ( When the Unexpected Happens ) all exercise basically stopped. I was upset in a lot of areas in my life, and I turned to food for comfort. Add a lot of traveling this Summer ( think...

The Woman I Know I Can Be

I'm trying to write this via mobile - so please ignore typos and weird spacing :) This past week hasn't been an easy one. In fact, I know it's going to take me some time to work through some current issues.  But it's made me realize that I have two choices - let it destroy me or let it make me stronger. I'm choosing stronger.

Never Give Up On You

It's easy for me to encourage others - in life - in their goals - their dreams. But I often struggle to encourage myself. Do you have that problem or is it just me? I often struggle to meet my own expectations that I have for myself.. actually a lot of the time I sabotage my goals before I start them... by having negative thoughts about achieving them. Why oh why do I have such a hard time believing in me?!?  But I do struggle with that.. but it doesn't mean that I always have to... and I don't intend to.