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Showing posts from June, 2010

Colon Cancer Prevention 5K

Well my goal usually always to PR and I really really want to break 26:00. But the main goal for this race was to just run strong and not give up on myself. I once again started out too fast (8:00 for the first mile). So I'm seriously going to have to work on that. And I allowed myself to slow down a little too much during the middle of the run, but overall I didn't give up and I kept going. My official time was 27:29 with a chip time for 27:25. At first I didn't think it was that humid. But the farther I ran, the more humid it felt. Overall I feel pretty good. Since the race, I've looked over my training schedule. I'm going to try to tweak a few things and see if that makes any difference. I'm frustrated that I'm getting farther from my goal instead of closer. So I'm going to change up a few things this week and run another 5K this weekend to see if there is any difference. But I'm looking forward to a 4 Mile run before work in the am.

Hot & Humid

Not my best run. First of all I wasn't mentally into it today. I knew it was going to be hot and humid. But I changed clothes, strapped on the belt with the water bottles and took off. I was barely a half mile into it and wanted to stop already. In fact, I think I did stop for water. But I trudged on. I stopped several times for water which also stopped the clock. So the 4 miles in 39:11 is misleading. Oh well, I suppose I got a decent work out in. I plan to get one more run in this week, and then I will run the 5K this weekend. Taking off last week has sort of unnerved me a little. I don't feel very prepared. I do plan to swim a couple of times this week along with strength training and some yoga. I'm glad I got out there today. Even though my run was 'blah' I still did it.

Hot and humid

I'm planning to run this afternoon after work. It's going to be hot and humid for sure. I haven't decided how far I'll try to go. I'm thinking somewhere between 3 and 5. I'm running a 5K this weekend and I'd like to get some speedwork in today. Hopefully I can get out there before any afternoon thunderstorms pop up. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

I Ran

Mentally and physically in pain - I ran. I ran from the fact that I thought I was possibly pregnant. Until my pelvic region was gripped by pain last night and then I knew that I wasn't. Or if it had been, it no longer was. I ran from everything that I hated about myself. I ran from the fact that I can't even do something that is natural such as make a baby. I ran from every flaw. I ran from the fear. I ran and I cried and I cried and I ran. Strangers stared at me. I know they were trying to decide if I was in pain or just plain crazy. I wanted to look at them and say, I'm a little of both. I ran until my breath was ragged and no more tears would flow. And then I turned around and I ran toward love. I ran toward the love of my husband - a man who puts up with me when the reality is there are times that I wouldn't even put up with me. I ran toward the love of my family. I ran toward the love of Self, and the love of friends. I looked over and my eye glanced at some graff...