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Showing posts from January, 2015

#BringDessertBack With Fiber One Giveaway

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. We all know that I have an unnatural desire fondness for sweets. So when I was given the opportunity to try Fiber One, I was genuinely curious since I've never tried their products. But I was also a little nervous. I am a self proclaimed snack snob - especially when it comes to lower calorie type treats. To me, most snacks of this nature have 'that taste'. You know the one I'm talking about. They just have a taste where it doesn't taste like others snacks do. I have always been very particular, and I usually wind up not enjoying them. So, I was curious to try Fiber One, but I wasn't every optimistic that I would really like them. I was given 3 boxes of Fiber One products to try. Cookies & Creme Protein bars, Crunchy Chocolate Chip, and Mint Fudge Brownie.  I skeptically tried

I Love My Screw Shoes - Enjoying The Run

I wrote about screw shoes earlier in a #TuesdayTidbit , but today was the first time that I've ever had a pair. Basically I took an old pair of running shoes and my Hubby, Father-in-Law and Lil Man took care of putting the hex screws in the shoe. As the snow was falling last night, my very first thought was

People Ask Me Why I Run

There are actually many reasons why I run. And my reasons evolve. But there are some days that the stress consumes me - that it's so intense that it feels like it's crushing me. I'm not at liberty to tell you the exact reason - it isn't my story to tell. But when a loved one is hurting, you hurt also. And when you are logistically too far away to realistically help, it’s hard. Lil Man was asking me questions this weekend. And I was forced to say out loud the reality – the word that no one ever wants to utter.... To continue reading the rest of the article please click here . Share this on Facebook? I'm a small blog trying to find my way in the big internet. If you like my blog, or this post, please take a moment to share it with friends. 

#TuesdayTidbit Pilates Or Yoga

As you know, I've been working on strengthening my core since I'm finding that my weak core is what has contributed to this hamstring injury. So today's #TuesdayTidbit is about Pilates and Yoga. Part of my future workouts will include both Yoga and Pilates. And I thought that this

Improve Your Flexibility & Form - Clever Yoga Strap #Giveaway

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. I have always wanted to try a yoga strap. And this one by Clever Yoga , looks like an excellent one to try.  As you know, I'm trying to incorporate yoga into my workout routine. However, Physical Therapy wouldn't allow anything but their PT exercises, so I haven't been able to do any yoga lately, and I have to say

Pro Compression Marathon Socks Review & #Giveaway!

*affiliate links Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. If you know me, or have been following my blog for awhile, then you know that I am a firm believe in compression. Last year, I started having calf cramps, and my running buddies suggested calf sleeves. I listened and I am so very glad that I did! And honestly, I won't run without using compression. And once my run is over, I will usually 9 times out of 10 put on a pair of Pro Compression Marathon Socks for recovery. (FYI, I also love their low trainers to run in) Sshhh.. don't tell Hubby but I have an entire drawer full of Pro Compression socks. And well, I wear them everywhere - grocery shopping, preschool, you name it.

Rodan+Fields Soothe Product Review

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. Ok, time to come clean here (no pun intended), I've never been one to be too concerned about my skin. My routine is usually running a cloth over my face, slapping on some drugstore moisturizer, and then I'd be on my way. Most of you that know me in *real life* know I seldom wear makeup, especially after having Lil Man. And I usually don't take a lot of time with my appearance (hangs head in shame). But as I've gotten older, gulp, now in the "Master's Category", I'm wishing I'd started at a younger age being a little more concerned about my skin. And I keep hearing about Rodan+Fields and how great their products are. And I'll honestly say that I was hesitant to try them. Like I said, I'm not one to really put a lot of 'time' into my routine. But then I decided that I need to get li...

#TuesdayTidbit - Don't Compare

Just don't! Stop! Don't compare yourself to others - not their writing, their blog stats, their number of followers, the way that they always look put together while you look like you just washed up on the shore from a shipwreck, the miles they log, the pounds they lift, and their finish times. Just stop because it's a slippery slope down a very dark path. This is the conversation that I have with myself far too often. I am

River Therapy - Running Style

*affiliate links If you've been following, then you know I'm injured. And people are getting on my nerves  giving  me a little grief for 'not resting enough.' So, let me just put a few facts out there. I had zero, zilch, none, absolutely no cardio for 4 weeks, where I then took a 15 minute leisure walk . I then gradually increased the speed and time until I was power walking 30 minutes 3 times a week with a rest day in between. I then started incorporating short runs (started with 5 minutes, then 10, then 15 and have plateaued at a 20 minute run, 10 minute walk) with a total time of 30 minutes. It has taken me 3 weeks  after my 4 weeks off to work my way up to a 2 mile run. I felt minimal pain (maybe a 2 on the pain scale) and will stay at 2 miles for another run or so to see how I feel. But as we were out on a family drive this weekend, I realized

Friday Five Linkup - What's In My Gym Bag

Today, I'm participating in the Friday Five Linkup from  Eat Pray Run DC ,  You Signed Up For What , and  Mar On The Run . And today's theme is  What's In My Gym Bag?  *affiliate link I have to say that I miss the gym! With going to Physical Therapy, I've only been allowed to do my PT exercises. So the gym has sort of been off limits - unless I want to go there and lay on their mats to do my workout. So instead of driving to the gym, I've been doing my  PT exercises at home. But here are 5 things that are in my gym bag.

Physical Therapy What A Ride

*affiliate links Ok,, let me start off by saying, I didn't want to go to Physical Therapy. I put it off for as long as I could. I was injured back in September (or earlier) and kept running through it. The 2 Medals In 1 Weekend didn't help - not because of the distance, but because I pushed hard in both races. And then a couple of weeks later, I did a 5K, 10K one day, and then a 10K the next. And honestly, that's what did me in. The 5K and 10K were fun, but it was hills, big hills, and I ran hard in both races. The Great Race the next day also contained some 'push it super hard' moments'. And I was left limping. In fact, I was limping before I ran The Great Race. So yeah, I was definitely injured the end of September and ran through pain. 

Teami Tea Blends - 30 Day Detox

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. I have never in my life done a 'detox'. Honestly, I've never considered one. And the idea of a colon cleanse made me squirm. But I love tea, and I've never had loose leaf tea. So when I was given the option to try loose leaf tea, I said yes. I was a wee bit surprised to get my 30 Day Detox kit. My husband snickered and said "have fun with that."

#TuesdayTidbit - Screw Shoes

Welcome to my first edition of #TuesdayTidbit . Each Tuesday, I plan to have a little #TuesdayTidbit to pass along to you. Today's #TuesdayTibit is screw shoes. No I haven't personally tried this, but I have friends who tried it last year, and they said it totally works. I do know that I was slipping and sliding, and their footing was definitely more secure. What am I talking about? Well it's the screw shoe .

Our Children Are Watching - Moms Magazine

I am now a contributor to Moms Magazine. And I just had my first post published there. The title of the post is Our Children Are Watching, and you can read it by clicking this link . I would be super grateful if you would share it with your friends. Share this on Facebook?

Gonna Be A Re-building Year - Injuries

*affiliate links To my strength loving divas check out ( affiliate link )  fashletics . I just found out about them today, and I have to say I'm quite smitten with their products. How cute is this?!?! I need to pass this along to Hubby. I do have a birthday coming up :-) I'm a little bummed that I can't utilize my curling bar that I got for Christmas. But I'm trying to be a 'good girl' and follow the physical therapist's orders. I can neither confirm nor deny that I may have snuck in a few bicep curls here and there. But as my injury situation unfolds ( The Post I Didn't Want to Write, Physical Therapy Happened ) the reality is, I think 2015 is going to be a re-building year for me. My body is truly a mess. My ITband on my left side (opposite the hurt hamstring) is now inflamed, and giving me fits after doing the PT exercises. My hamstring is settling down, but still quite angry. Doing bridges made it worse. And today,

Friday Five Linkup - Things I Like About My Favorite City

*affiliate links Today, I'm participating in the Friday Five Linkup from Eat Pray Run DC , You Signed Up For What , and Mar On The Run . And today's theme is 5 Things I Like About My Favorite City. I'm from Starkville, Mississippi. But I currently live in Dauphin, Pennsylvania. So I'd like to tell you 5 things about the area that I live in. 1. To me, it's beautiful. Don't get me wrong. I'm a Southern girl, and I totally miss the South. But I think where I live is beautiful. I love the Mountains, and I love the Rivers. Here is a sneak peek from my run here in Dauphin.

My Blog Plan - Planning For The Future

*affiliate links I'm not really sure what's up with me and logging (Do You Log Your Miles? ) and planning, but I'm sensing a theme this year. I saw some blog posts about some planners this year which got me to thinking about getting myself one. I came across My Blog Plan  and decided to give it a try. I've honestly never given much thought to 'planning' for my blog. Honestly,

Do You Log Your Miles?

I've always been *pretty good* about logging my miles. I can't seem to remember from week to week what I've run. So it helps me to keep track to make sure that I'm not ramping up the miles too fast etc. Also, I like to look back and see my pace and to be able to compare. Anyway, so yeah, I have always logged my miles. This year, I'm doing something a little different. I'm also keeping a paper log. I'm always curious at the end of the year what my yearly mileage is. And what I like about this log is

Fitteroy Resistance Bands Giveaway and Review

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. As you know, I'm limited as to what I am allowed to do by Physical Therapy. And most of my exercises are hip/core exercises, and stretching. Just this last week, my PT added upper body work (that also works the core) by sitting on a swiss ball and using resistance bands.  Can we say perfect timing? I was given the opportunity to try the Fitteroy Flat Resistance Stretch Bands . They come in three different resistance strengths (Light, Medium, Heavy) and one of the best things for me is that it comes with a door anchor. AWESOME!! 

Injuries Happen - Physical Therapy Update

Injuries happen - but my PT and I discussed that 4 years in a row is way too much. So it's time to address the underlying issue for the recurring injuries. And the truth is, it's going to be a LONG slow process for recovery. My PT is being very cautious. In fact, I'm only approved to do my PT exercises... and for me...

No More Starting Over

There is no more starting over - no more starting again - no more I'll start tomorrow...because last night I got ' the call ' that brought me to my knees - the call that ripped through my very core - the call that had me crying out to God within the hollow depths of my being.... And I informed my family that I wouldn't tolerate any attitude or negativity, but I am taking charge of what is brought into this house as far as 'nutrition' goes. We aren't swimming in the best genetic pool when it comes to health. As I birthed my son into this world, I knew he had some check marks against him when it came to his health. And although there isn't anything that I can do about that, there is something that I can do... and that is to the best of my ability and knowledge give him the healthiest lifestyle possible.