Why do I run? I am by definition a “runner”. It is a label that I am proud to wear. When I was in MS, I ran mainly just for exercise and for the social aspect. I would meet my best friend every weekday and at least one day on the weekend and we would run. It was our time - time that we both cherished. - time that I still greatly miss. When I moved to PA, I wasn’t prepared to feel the loss that I felt. I was married with a loving husband. I didn’t expect to feel such a loss at leaving my friends, especially my best friend, and my family. When I first moved here, I put off running for a little while. I was getting used to my surroundings and honestly I just didn’t want to do it - not alone. But I knew I had to get back out there. I would leave the house crying, often angry. I would end those short runs crying telling my husband that it was awful and I just wasn’t going to do it anymore. I put my husband through a lot during those times. But running had changed for me. Gone were the days ...
My mission is to encourage a healthy lifestyle by sharing my personal experiences, workout ideas and relevant product reviews. I am committed to being totally transparent with myself and my readers. #WillRun4IceCream