Today's run was supposed to be a long run - 13 miles actually. And when I started out, I had talked myself into doing it. Although when I got up today, I said that I wasn't going to get a long run in this weekend. I'm tired, not over-trained tired, but just tired. First of all, I'm dieting. I know. I know. Dieting and marathon training are not a good combination. As I look over my food log this week, no only have I cut my calories, but I'm not even hitting my 'target' carbs for the diet. So that's one possible solution to my lack of energy. And this week, I got a sore throat. The sore throat comes and goes. One minute I'm sneezing. The next minute I am fine other than I'm tired. I am just really lacking energy. I suspect it is a combination of my diet lately plus possibly a little cold or something. But I started off today with good intentions. It was cold, but I was committed to get this run done. It took me over 10 minutes to get dressed
My mission is to encourage a healthy lifestyle by sharing my personal experiences, workout ideas and relevant product reviews. I am committed to being totally transparent with myself and my readers. #WillRun4IceCream