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Showing posts from July, 2014

Garmin Forerunner 305 Or Tom Tom Runner?

When I was looking at a running watch, I know this was the question that I asked myself - Garmin or Tom Tom?  And I honestly wound up with both a Garmin and a Tom Tom over the years. Let me compare the two: Garmin Forerunner 305 This was my first ever running watch, and I still use it today. After about a year or so the 'beep' stopped beeping. That is a little irritating since I had it set up for mile splits. From what I understand, it has to possibly do with a 'sweat' issue, and too much sweat getting into the watch? But here are the pros and cons. Pros: To my knowledge, the information is accurate. I've never doubted the distance or the pace with this watch. No lag time with pace or average pace Shows Mile splits Shows Current Pace and Average Pace Can set up the screen for multiple screen displays Can look at splits in the middle of a run Can be used for multiple sports Numerous Training Options Can be used in various weather conditions (h...

#GirlsRunFast Half Marathon 13.1 Sticker Giveaway

If you haven't already heard, I'm a Girls Run Fast Ambassador. And they have the cutest jewelry along with apparel and other cool stuff.  Speaking of cool stuff, check out this reflective window sticker. Who wants one? Yep, I'm giving one away. Just enter the giveaway below. The giveaway ends August 2, 2014. (U.S. Residents Only).  Good luck. And share this post with your friends :)  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Surviving Hand Foot and Mouth While Marathon Training

I think I'm going to put this down as a milestone on Facebook. You know right after "got engaged", "got married", "had a baby", "contracted Hand Foot and Mouth Disease."  Because, I have to tell you, right now, it feels like a milestone. Don't believe what you read when it says "mild" condition. Apparently adults aren't really supposed to get this. I'm not really sure how I was 'chosen'. I'm pretty much a germaphobe. Oh, you know the one. Touch a grocery cart (get out hand sanitizer), pay for groceries (get out hand santizier), put groceries in car (get out hand sanitizer). And I practically scrub my son once we leave any public place. I think you get the idea. But somehow, Lil Man and I have contracted this horrible little illness, and I decided to share with you a few things that I have learned so far. Your Child is Playing - You are Almost in Tears Lil Man has had a few crying spells, and he's ...

Humidity, Am I Swimming Or Running?

The end of this week is supposed to bring cooler temps and lower humidity. But man, these last few weeks, and especially these last few days have been tough. This is what 99% humidity looks like. I didn't even attempt a picture after today's 6 miler. I just wanted out of my wet clothes into something dry. I was glad that I made sure that I took water with me today.  How do you deal with the humidity? I'm finding that even short runs (less than 6 miles) are requiring water. Normally, I wouldn't bring water with me for runs less than 6 miles, or at least less than 4 miles. But lately, even my 4 milers are requiring water.  I'm looking forward to less humid weather this week. But I also know that the humidity will be back.  How do you handle humidity? 

Family, Life, and Marathon Training

Who knew that summer with a 3 year old would be so busy? As you know, Lil Man is our only child, and we are learning as we go. So I wasn't really prepared for the busy summer days, and I even ditched some of the programs that I had originally considered us doing. But we are having a blast at Hershey Park this year. And we are getting more than our money out of our season passes. We love the rides, but we also love the water park ( What I Saw Today ) In addition to staying busy with Lil Man, and Hubby with his business travels, I am in full mode marathon training. This week I reached (I think) my highest weekly mileage ever of 34 miles. I'm pretty nervous that my marathon is fast approaching. So far other than being sore, my body is feeling ok. I do have a hamstring that's a little tender. So I know I need to be more faithful about foam rolling, especially with the mileage increasing.   But I'm putting one step in front of the other, one more mile then a...