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Showing posts from April, 2012

Personal Training

I would have never thought of getting a pipe (or broom handle), placing it in a bosu ball and doing push ups, especially after I've already done push ups with the bosu ball turned upside down. But that is exactly one of the things that I did today during my personal training session. I got a great overall workout in today. So glad I was able to get this in this week. I am also seeing that I'm getting stronger (YEAH). I love seeing progress! I've started keeping a food log (consistently) this week, and I'm down 2 pounds. I know this is probably water weight, but I'm proud of myself for trying to stick to a program within moderation. My next race is May 5th. I'm a little more nervous about this one because I have a time in my head that I'd really like to beat. My last 10K, was just a run to run it. This one I'm feeling a little more pressure.

Hershey 10K

After a week long cold, I still had congestion on race day. Thankfully it didn't really bother me too much. Also there was a wreck on the major highway that we needed to take to get to Hershey. I was beginning to panic that we weren't going to make it. Thankfully Hubby made an illegal turn, went down an exit ramp the wrong way and got me to the race on time. I got there just in time to use the restroom with about 10 minutes to spare to get to the start line. I started off at a steady pace. I tried to keep it around 10:00 as not to go out too fast. I kept running into problems of getting hemmed in behind people. So I had to sprint ahead to find an opening to then find my pace again. I didn't reach my goal, but I am still overall pleased with the run. I didn't allow myself to wimp out. I ran it in 1:01:00.

Catch Up Since Last Post

Since my last post, my foot is healing (although I still have pain). I started working with a personal trainer to try to help me get toned, and lose the baby weight. I am close (about 4 pounds that I keep fluctuating back and forth). I have an upcoming race, and now have a head cold so I had to skip training this week. I just hope that once my training sessions end that I will be dedicated enough to continue strength training on my own.  My running is coming along. I'm still having pain in my foot, so I went back to the DR for a check up just to make sure it was ok. He said I would probably have pain for at least 6 months to a year, but I could run through it if I wanted. Basically that was what I needed to hear. I have to be cautious and not overdo it, but I'm slowly getting some base miles again. I ran 17 miles this last week.  I am doing the Hershey 10K this weekend. I'm excited and nervous and REALLY hoping I get over this head cold soon. So this week is a...