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Showing posts from September, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

After a 2 hour PT session on Friday, I was more than discouraged. It's not that I am just in pain, but that we can't seem to solve the problem because we can't pinpoint the problem. I've been through 5 weeks of PT. Next week is supposed to be my last. How can it be my last when we aren't even sure what the problem is yet? It's not that we aren't working on it or that I haven't made progress. The burning has stopped. So the nerve issue is currently resolved as long as I don't reinjure it. I have built some ab muscles to hold my pelvis in place; I am happy for that progress. But the issue seems to be the fact that I am somehow overusing my left hip/side region when walking/running/exercising. I was told that there are multiple issues. Apparently my SI joint isn't working properly. I now have a temporary lift in my shoe to see if this helps. I was told to run over the weekend to test it out. As I left PT, I didn't want to run. In fact, the thoug...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It was very disappointing not to run the Half marathon. I had trained hard for it. But I know in the bigger scheme of things, it was just one race. I've been through 4 weeks of PT, and I was told I would need 2 more weeks. I was allowed to run a mile last week, and was given the green light to run this weekend to work on my gait. It has been brought to my attention that I swing my left leg out (think kickball). I'm having a hard time forcing myself to swing my leg through. It seems to take a lot more effort than the way I used to run. I ran two miles today and did 30 minutes on the EFX. I was a little sore from my 1 mile run yesterday and 30 minutes on the EFX. I'm feeling the hip a little more today. I've iced it several times and will probably ice it once more tonight. I'm setting my next goal for Oct. 10th. I am hoping to be able to run a 5K. There was one today that I wanted to run, but my better judgment took over. I didn't run it. I'm focusing on Octob...