You know the know the one I'm talking about. You are at the gym, minding your own business and she walks in with some skin-tight, super thin pants, a bright colored sports bra, and a sleeveless shirt tied up 'just so'. She doesn't walk across the free weights area, she sort of glides. I didn't realize you could reach for weights in a sensual way, but apparently you can, because I saw it happen today. And then she got on the machine - the leg press machine. I can assure you when I do the leg press that I don't look like some soft porno flick. And any sounds that may escape me, I can assure you aren't in a sexual way. And if any sounds do escape, I'm usually praying that no one heard them if you know what I mean. But this girl gets on the leg press machine, it's like the entire gym turned to watch her. And in her slowest most sensual movements ever, she does like 3 reps on the leg press with slight moans escaping with each 'press' so to speak...
My mission is to encourage a healthy lifestyle by sharing my personal experiences, workout ideas and relevant product reviews. I am committed to being totally transparent with myself and my readers. #WillRun4IceCream