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Showing posts from May, 2012

Charlie Horse Trail Half Marathon Post Race

This is the most nervous I have ever been with a race. I think it was because not only was it my first Trail Half Marathon, but my first Trail race ever. And other than running a trail once in TN, this was my first 'true' trail run ever. I had no idea what to really expect. I also didn't have the proper shoes. I knew this going in, but I wasn't ruining my brand new trail shoes on this course. This isn't a 'typical' trail run, but with obstacles at the end which included mud pits and total mud running. So I had on old worn out running shoes with practically no tread. So yeah, I was nervous - extremely nervous. We met at the registration area where they bused us to the start line. At the start line, we all pretty much headed for the woods before we started the race. This began my hysterical laughing as my friend and I tried to climb a small bank to find a spot to relieve ourselves. We were having a difficult time climbing up and even more difficultly climbin

First Trail Race Jitters

Have I lost my mind? I said I wasn't going to do this especially not this year. I am registered for the Double Creek Half on the 16th which is where my current focus is. I've been running some Rail Trails, but I've yet to really run a true trail. When my friend registered,  I told her to have fun. But yesterday I found out that her brother-in-law who was supposed to run it with her wasn't able to run it now. After an all day debate with myself, I told her yes I'd do it. As tomorrow gets closer, all I can think was WHAT WAS I THINKING? Am I insane? Did I lose all common sense within a 24 hour period? But here I am with a post race bag packed with a change of clothes etc and my race clothes all laid out for tomorrow. I haven't been this nervous since I went into labor with my son. Let's just hope tomorrow doesn't hurt as bad as labor did!

Early Morning Runs

Today I was supposed to get up at 5:00am to get my run in. I turned my alarm off ... sigh. I did manage to get on the treadmill at 6:00am and run 4 miles while Lil Man and Hubby ate breakfast. I then put Lil Man in the jogger for a short run. I had hoped to run 2 miles, but I was tired and hungry. We stopped at 1 mile. But today's plan was for an easy 4-6 miles. I got in 5 miles which I'm happy with. I hope to go to yoga tomorrow, but I need to get in a 40 minute tempo run. Yoga is at 8:30 which means we must leave the house by 8:00am. I also have lunch plans at 11:30 which means if I want to get in a morning run, I need to get up at 4:30am... hmmm. I could always try to get in an evening run, but those usually don't work out for me. By the end of the day, my energy level is nil. Plus with pop up thunderstorms, even the treadmill might not be an option. It looks like early morning is my best option for tomorrow... too bad I'm so tired just thinking about it.

First 8 Mile Trail Run

Nice scenery this morning with the trees and the sound of birds and water running. I kept telling myself to 'focus' on that instead of my tired legs and achy foot, hip and calves. Apparently this trail just continues at an incline FOREVER. It's not rolling hills, but it is an incline that never seems to end. Yet, when I turned to go back as I was doing an out and back, it never felt as though I was going down. I forced myself to drink water on this run. It wasn't long after the 4ish mile mark that my stomach started giving me issues. I made myself drink anyway. I know that with the longer training runs coming up and the Halfs that I am going to have to train my stomach to at least try to tolerate fluids and eventually fuel. At around mile 6, I wasn't sure I was going to make it. Thankfully I made it to the car, and even better, I made it home. Could I have run another 5 miles or so to finish a Half? I'm going to say probably not. I'm just hoping with mor


I've never really followed a training plan. I mean, I usually tried to follow the mileage, but never the actual plan. I tend to want to run 'every' run at race pace. I'm realizing now that isn't what a true 'training' plan is for. So, for the first time ever, I'm going to try to run 'my plan' within reason of course. I know I have to be flexible and realize some runs will be pushed back and some runs just won't happen as I had planned. But I plan to run "the plan".

Spin Class

Well, let's see. I haven't done a spin class in over 2 years. Within 5 minutes, I was hoping for survival. Fifteen minutes in I looked down and noticed the small sign on the bike that says "if you feel faint, stop immediately". I'm thinking they put that there for people like me. Thirty  minutes in I'm weighing my options. Which would be the least embarrassing - puking or collapsing and falling off the bike? I glance around and people are smiling. Really? Smiling? Are they delusional? Forty-five minutes in - just don't cry. Whatever you do- you cannot cry. I don't care how bad your 'sitting' bones hurt. Slowly the clocked ticked by to 60 minutes. Whew it was finally over, but now I was faced with the fear of falling when trying to get off the bike as my legs were like jello. But I was able to stand, even smile and the very next thought was I can't wait to do it again next week!

6 Mile Trail Run

Wow, the scenery was beautiful with the trees, the creek nearby, a small waterfall, and two deer crossed our path. It was a very nice change from running in the city. But I was surprised in how much of a workout it was. Pushing Lil Man in the stroller was a challenge. I was running with a friend and we traded off pushing. But still it was tough. Also there was just enough incline to make my muscles scream. And it wasn't screams of joy either. But we did it. We stopped a few times to enjoy the scenery, snap some photos and adjust Lil Man in the stroller. But overall a successful first 6 mile trail run.

First Trail Run with Lil Man

I'm not a fan of the jogging stroller; mainly because it puts pressure on my healing stress fractures. But since scheduling runs is becoming more difficult lately, the jogging stroller is my best options sometimes. Today, I decided to try running the Rail Trail for the first time. I didn't really know what to expect, but I had been told it was jogger friendly. It was a rough ride for Lil Man, but he seemed to enjoy the bouncing. I didn't expect it to be so pretty out there. The sound of running water, and Lil Man's squeals made for an enjoyable time. As long as I stick with easy trails, I can see me adding trail running to my routine in the future. Does that mean that I need trail shoes now?

DUI Victim Memorial 10K

I was nervous about this race, mainly because this was my fourth (I think) time to run it. I had a benchmark to compare myself with, and I was nervous about the results.  I started off too fast, but was able to reign myself in as soon as I realized my mistake. Around mile 2, I was beginning to struggle, but I forced myself to stay with the stranger in front of me. At a water stop, he left me. I wanted to slow my pace, but I knew if I did, my chances of coming in under an hour would be slim as were any chances of a PR. I picked up my pace and tried to hold steady.  At the second water stop, I caught up with the stranger and followed him for awhile. It was over half way and I felt a surge of energy and went with it. I passed him and several others. But I knew the 'hill' was coming up. That hill gets me every time! It's just long enough and steep enough to suck the wind out of me. I made it up the hill with a very short recovery at the top. Two people passed me and I knew