Whew, 8 miles was difficult today. I shaved about 30 seconds per minute off of my time. I can contribute it to the course being flat instead of hills. But it was tough! I saw several other runners running which helped motivate me. Although, it didn’t do much for my self esteem as they whizzed past me. I’ll set the scene. My face was no longer red but a shade of purple. I had salt trails down my face. My breathing was labored… but on a positive note… I was still moving. Park benches lined the trail I was running. It was tempting to just sit for a moment, but I refused. I have to admit that running 8 miles during the middle of the day and then going back to work was a little tiring - more than I had expected. But, I’m glad I did it. I ran 8 miles on Sunday, 5 on Tuesday and 8 today… not bad if I say so myself.
My mission is to encourage a healthy lifestyle by sharing my personal experiences, workout ideas and relevant product reviews. I am committed to being totally transparent with myself and my readers. #WillRun4IceCream