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Showing posts from July, 2015

Extend Nutrition And Control Your Blood Sugar

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature. I've never been one to like protein bars. I have friends who will eat them and say they taste like candy bars ( I'm thinking they've apparently never eaten the candy bars that I've eaten. Because 'chocolate' cardboard does not taste like a candy bar to me ) But some bars are just better than others. Some upset my stomach; others don't. Some are full of sugar; some aren't. My advice is to read the label! Some of those protein bars have as many calories as a candy bar, plus the sugar, and almost all of the fat. So, it's always best to know what you are eating ( preferably before you eat it ). A few weeks ago, I was introduced to Extend Nutrition . These snacks are designed to control blood sugar for 9 hours which in turn is supposed to help with hunger control, su...

Trail Running, Fear, and Me

For a very long time, I let fear ( and comparison ) stop me. So the fact that I'm still running, pushing past my comfort zone, and finding a stronger me feels good - really good. ( Don't Let Fear Stop You ) But I won't lie, it's not easy. And there are some days that I have to literally give myself a very persuading pep talk to get out the door. Sometimes Hubby chimes in with encouragement. Sometimes I'll think of Lil Man and how I don't want him to be held back from doing things that he enjoys because of fear. Look at what I would have missed this week if I would have let fear stop me?

Raw By Rae Dessert Review & Giveaway

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature. You had me at dessert! You know I have a sweet tooth. And when you can add 'healthy' to dessert then for me that's a win win situation. I'm talking about Raw by Rae Dessert I was give the opportunity to try Original Brownie, Salty Caramel, Lemon Coconut and Cinnamon Roll. When it comes to 'healthy' desserts, I'm a skeptic by nature. When I see dessert I personally don't normally think of "dates, cashews, walnuts, flax-seed, coconut oil along with some other goodies" thrown in.  I'm sorry, but to me chocolate is chocolate - you know. So when I read the ingredients list from the Original Brownie, I kindof had my mind made up that this wasn't going to taste anything like a brownie. I mean - come on.... I didn't see sugar anywhere in the list!

Don't Let Fear Stop You

If you've been anywhere near me, then you know that I fell a couple of weeks ago ( It Was Bound To Happen ) and then this week I Faced My Fear After Falling by hiking on the trail that fell on. But, the truth is, I was scared to run. In fact, instead of getting on the trails this weekend, I was going to stick to road running. It was the 'safer' less intimidating choice. However, deep down, I knew that at some point I needed to run again on the trails, and I just needed to push through the fear and do it. So, Saturday, I went to the Appalachian Trail. I took it VERY slow. I was super cautious (walked where I've normally ran) but I stumbled a time or two, and I just couldn't imagine falling on the already tender knee. It took me about a mile or so, but I finally started to relax and enjoy the views. I was almost to table rock, when I rounded the corner and running toward me on the path was a BEAR CUB!

Feeling Good About Love With Food

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature. This isn't my first time to write to you about Love With Food, but I wanted to pass along a huge savings code on their Deluxe box. Use code BLOGDELUXE and save 50% . Here is the link.  Love With Food Ever since my first experience with Love With Food ( Love With Food Healthy Subscription Box ), I have been a subscriber. Each month, Lil Man and squeal with joy when we see the bright red box in the mailbox. It's always fun to open it up and see what's inside.

Fear After A Fall

I'm not going to lie, there was a little ( ok, maybe more than a little ) fear about getting back on the trail. I know that this probably won't be my last fall ( It Was Bound To Happen ). But just touching my knee hurts, and there are still stitches, so I couldn't imagine how bad it would hurt if I actually fell on it today. But I also knew that I needed to face that fear. So I did. I went out this morning and hiked the exact same route that I fell on last week. I didn't run since this was my first time climbing since my fall, and it still hurts stepping down. There was a lot of wincing, and I stumbled a time or two, but I stayed on my feet. Whew!

It Was Bound To Happen

It's the reason why a lot of people won't try trail running. Honestly, it was why I didn't try it for a very long time. I'm clumsy and stumble just walking across the floor, I couldn't see myself running trails. But last year after a trying year and burnout, I took to the trail in a last ditch attempt before I gave up running altogether. ( I Ran. I Walked. I Fell. I Bled - It Was Awesome)  And that one run/hike changed a lot of me. I loved it. I truly did. I overcame so much by adding trail running to my routine. So yesterday, after a trying morning, I had just enough time for a 30 minute hike. I didn't really want to run since I had ran 6 road miles on Wednesday. My legs tend to need a day's break from running; so I try not to run back to back. Instead, I took the hillier section of the Appalachian Trail and decided to hike for cross training. I set a timer for 15 minutes as I had planned to walk 15 minutes in, and 15 minutes out. But as I got clo...

I'm In Love With The Iron Chest Master

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. This post contains affiliate links.  My opinions are completely my own based on my experience.  I'm always on the lookout for new exercise equipment. I have found that variety keeps me from getting bored, and different equipment utilizes muscles in different ways. So when I heard about the Iron Chest Master   I was more than willing to give it a try. I'm only 4'10" and I have a hard time doing the chest fly machine at the gym. No matter what I do to the equipment I can't seem to get the machine set up to fit me. I do use weights to do the chest fly, but I know that I often lose form. Well check this out.

Do You Know About WTRMLN WTR?

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. I had hoped to get some time to write while we were away these last 3 weeks. I think this the longest that I've ever been away from home, and we had a great trip. However, I just couldn't seem to fit in writing. We were really just too busy working on projects. I've lived in Pennsylvania for almost 8 years now, and I know that I have acclimated to the climate here. I was not prepared for the heat and humidity in Mississippi and Texas. My morning runs were less than stellar. In fact, I had barely made it a quarter of a mile some days when I felt the need to walk. I had 30 minutes to get in a workout before our day began ( due to sunrise ). So my workouts were usually shorter than normal. As we were doing outside work in Texas, I knew the importance of hydration and keeping my electrolytes balanced. I'm not a fa...