But, the truth is, I was scared to run. In fact, instead of getting on the trails this weekend, I was going to stick to road running. It was the 'safer' less intimidating choice. However, deep down, I knew that at some point I needed to run again on the trails, and I just needed to push through the fear and do it.
So, Saturday, I went to the Appalachian Trail. I took it VERY slow. I was super cautious (walked where I've normally ran) but I stumbled a time or two, and I just couldn't imagine falling on the already tender knee.
It took me about a mile or so, but I finally started to relax and enjoy the views.
I was almost to table rock, when I rounded the corner and running toward me on the path was a BEAR CUB!
I stopped in my tracks, and my legs felt like they turned to jello. The cub ran off, but I knew Momma had to be close by. I almost turned and went back, but I was so close to table rock. So I slowly made my way forward, listening and looking for Momma bear.
I never saw her, but I did make it to table rock.
I think the run back was the most unnerving - knowing I was two miles into the woods and somewhere (probably closer than I wanted to know) was a Momma bear and her cubs.
But I left the woods feeling accomplished. I saw my first bear, and I completed my first run post fall on the trail. I'm still nervous about falling again. But I also know that I can't let fear stop me.
Today, since I don't like to run back to back days as I have found that my legs prefer a day off from running in between runs, I decided to hike.
I went to Hawk Rock which is somewhere I'd never been before. It's close to home, but I had just never ventured out. I'm still apprehensive about doing things solo, but I wanted to check this out since I'd heard such cool things about it.
I had a hard time finding it, but with the help of my local running group and messages online, I was able to find my way to the trail.
Let me tell you, they weren't joking about the rocks, or the climb.
And for me, coming down was harder than going up. I lost my footing a few times, but thankfully stayed on my feet.
But check out this view...
I also explored an unmarked side trail which also had some great views, but with the trees it was a little harder to capture with a photo. This fall it will be a great place to check out once the leaves are off the trees because then the the view won't be obstructed.
This was a great article in helping me find my way once I made it to the trail (Hiking the Hawk Rock Along the Appalachian Trail). It went into detail on how to find the unmarked trail to hike to Cove Mountain.
Both yesterday and today, I had to face various fears of running and hiking on the trails. And I am so glad that I didn't let fear stop me. Look what I would have missed if I would have.
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Oh my gosh! A bear? It's always something on the run, isn't it? Glad you didn't run into Mama bear.