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Showing posts from July, 2017

PowerIce Have You Tried It?

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature. This post contains affiliate links. Below is a review that I did a few years ago. We were cleaning out the freezer today, and I found some PowerIce that someone had shoved under some other things in the freezer. It was a happy surprise for me :)  But I thought this review was worth re-sharing. This really is a great product, especially on those hot steamy days!  Original post:

My New Take On Cross Training

This injury sure is redefining my idea of cross training because this boot is making what was an easy task before injury now a workout. Vacuuming for instance now works up a sweat! Sure carrying a vacuum cleaner up and down the steps wasn't necessarily easy before, but now, it's especially difficult to maneuver with the boot. Also, I should mention that my washer and dryer are also in the basement. So this means multiple trips up and down the stairs doing laundry. So needless to say, household chores are now a workout. Today, it was getting up at 6am to get to the grocery store so that I could make it home before Hubby went to work. I wanted help unloading the car!  I have at least 2 more weeks in the boot before I go back to the podiatrist. I don't have my hopes up that I will be out of the boot by then, but I am hoping that it's healing. And the thoughts of possibly at least riding a bike in a couple of weeks is encouraging.  But I wanted to share wit...

Join Me This Summer And #TeaItUp

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Swiss Premium. The opinions and text are all mine.  I admit, I was counting down the days until summer. I love our fun summer activities. Usually Lil Man and I spend some time hiking the trails. A new trail system opened near our house, and we got in one two-mile hike before I broke my foot. Less than a week after our first hike together, on the very same trail, I broke my foot while running. So, this unexpected turn of events has changed our summer, but we aren't letting it stop us! It is summer after-all, and summer fun is a must! Lil Man is my engineer, and he will spend hours on a project. With a shovel, a water hose, an old nozzle and some zip ties, he made his very own sprinkler system. I love his creativity! Along with fun, summer also brings heat. In addition to our water activities, we like to cool off with fun cool treats. For the first time ever, we decided to make some popsicles. Honestly, I don't know why ...

What Being Injured Is Giving Me

*This post contains affiliate links.*   I have to say that one thing being injured can give you is a lot of time to think. Sometimes this is a good thing - sometimes not so much. This year has been a tough one for me when it comes to injuries. The 5 month and counting hip injury really put a damper on my fitness goals this year. Then I got staph as soon as I was cleared to run. That set me back. Then the hip got super angry again, and now this ( When Life Throws You A Curveball ) It's July ya'll, and I have only had a few weeks here and there this year of running consistently. It's been my worst year to date to deal with such issues. And mentally I was finally ready to run races. I had registered for both the Harrisburg and Hershey half this year. Well, we all know that's not going to happen. I'm still hobbling around in a boot. Thankfully, I was able to transfer those bibs through the registration system. But, lately I couldn't help but wonder where does...

My Thoughts On The Rad Dog Release N Run Leash

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a Release N Run Leash for free from Rad Dog in consideration for a gear review. All opinions are mine and honest in nature .  If you've been anywhere near me, then you know that Miles is a huge part of our lives. If you haven't met Miles, here is a picture of him when he was just a baby pup. Miles is a Mountain Cur. Now, he will be 2 in December, and he's still just as adorable. He thinks he's a huge lap dog. He loves to lay on the back of the couch. It's ridiculous, but we love him. He is my running buddy, but he's also Hubby's hunting dog. This means that he's outside a lot. When I run with him, he's usually on a leash. When he's with Hubby, he's usually off leash once they are in a safe place away from traffic. Hubby uses a tracking collar, but he needs a leash when they get near roads, or when he needs to make sure that he stays out of certain areas. I wish we would have ...

#BeOpen With the #ShokzSquad

Disclaimer: As a SweatPink Ambassaor and my affiliation with FitApproach, I received a free pair of AfterShokz Trekz Titanium headphones in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience. This post may contain affiliate links. I love running with music. I always have. And I admit that I was from time to time that person that you would see with both ears plugged with headphones.I felt that I could hear my surroundings, but I also had that gut feeling that it just wasn't the safest situation. I really couldn't hear. I've had cars come too close before I realized they were there. I've had cyclists or runners come up behind me and startle me. So I started running with only one ear plugged. But that meant that I either had a cord dangling or I had to tuck it into my bra, and I didn't like either option. Speaking of cords, have you ever been tangled in your headphone cords while working out? I have.

Curious About My First Week In The Boot?

Well, I could tell you that it's been sunshine and rainbows, but the reality is ... it hasn't. I've been in the boot for 5 days, and I know that I have shed tears at least 3 of those days. I'm still in pain, but thankfully it's less than the beginning of the week. But mainly I've felt overwhelmed! I am dealing with a lot of stress right now ( but honestly aren't most of us in some way or another???? )  But as you know exercise, running, and sweating it out was my stress reliever. So, yep, it's been a tough few days to try to get a handle on things. And unfortunately I've turned to food more than once for comfort which only left me feeling emotionally and physically worse.

When Life Throws You A Curveball

So this was definitely not the post that I thought I would write this week - or anytime in my future for that matter. But here I am in this uncontrollable situation and I ask myself what can I do? If you follow me on Instagram then you know that this happened. A post shared by Amy 🏃🏻‍♀️ 💪🏻 🍦 (@willrun4icecream) on Jul 8, 2017 at 5:26pm PDT After seemingly getting over my hip injury I was finally back to running consistently. I had worked my way up to 3 mile run walk intervals, and I was increasing my run time. Last week on Wednesday I hit one of my fastest paces in months. Looking back now that might not have been a very good idea. I was just running by feel, and I wasn't paying attention to pace. After that run the top of my foot bothered me a little bit, but I didn't think much of it. I thought maybe I had my shoe tied too tight. Friday I did cross training at the gym, and Saturday I went out for a 3 mile mountain run. It was beautiful. It was awesome ...

Angry But Determined Today Is The Day

Well today was the day.... it really was..... it was the day that I had mentally circled on the calendar... the new beginning.... the day that I figured out what works for me when it comes to nutrition.... What I didn't expect was for the scale at the Dr's office to reflect that I had gained 8lbs in 5 months... and this is in addition to the previous weight that I had already gained. 132.2... it's a number that I haven't seen except when I was pregnant with my son... and probably in the 3rd trimester at that. Defeated, frustrated and angry best described me at that moment... but I left the doctor's office

When Returning Creates A Fresh Start

I am not the best person to travel with.... especially on a long road trip. I think some toddlers have a bladder bigger than me. And, well, let's be honest, I don't like to sit. So I usually get a little apprehensive before a very long road trip. But this year, maybe it was the fact that I could download from Netflix, but the travel miles seemed to go faster ( except for the return trip ). I totally forgot that it was a holiday weekend, and we spent several hours just sitting on the interstate. We also couldn't find a place to stay for the night - total planning fail on my part. When we left on our trip to go Mississippi and Texas, I had just made an emergency visit with physical therapy, and I was told no running. But as the days passed, I began to find ways that I could continue to move... until I was eventually running intervals. ( Happy To Get In Some Intervals ) Fast forward a couple of weeks,