Since my last post, my foot is healing (although I still have pain). I started working with a personal trainer to try to help me get toned, and lose the baby weight. I am close (about 4 pounds that I keep fluctuating back and forth). I have an upcoming race, and now have a head cold so I had to skip training this week. I just hope that once my training sessions end that I will be dedicated enough to continue strength training on my own.
My running is coming along. I'm still having pain in my foot, so I went back to the DR for a check up just to make sure it was ok. He said I would probably have pain for at least 6 months to a year, but I could run through it if I wanted. Basically that was what I needed to hear. I have to be cautious and not overdo it, but I'm slowly getting some base miles again. I ran 17 miles this last week.
I am doing the Hershey 10K this weekend. I'm excited and nervous and REALLY hoping I get over this head cold soon. So this week is a light week. I am planning on running a couple of 2 mile runs, then rest until the 10K.
After the race this weekend, I hope to get into a routine with running and strength training so that I can reach my goal of getting stronger and leaner.
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