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I'm Not Just A Runner

Hi, I'm Amy. I run. For many years I thought being a runner was the only thing that defined me - my identity. Well I'm here to tell you I'm not just a runner.

Being injured or at a time where running wasn't an option (when I was pregnant) gave me time, whether I wanted it or not, to self reflect. I really didn't have much choice when the 'one' thing that you think you are isn't available - it's super easy to get lost.  And I felt myself spiraling down a path I didn't want it take. I didn't deal with those thoughts this go around with injury because with being removed from running in the past I've already had time to realize...                        

I'm so much more than just a runner. I'm a mom, a wife, an athlete, a blogger, a friend, an enemy (I'm sure I have just a few).... someone who enjoys reading, or watching some cheesy reality show, lover of candles, craves stability yet bores easily.  And the more I delve into it, the more I realize for years I let running (by itself) identify me. And I am so much more. 

Oh yes I'm a runner - proud of it. Even injured I will tell you first off that I run. And yes I'm one of those with the stickers on the car. I'm proud of my accomplishments. I'm proud that I will get up at 4am to run before the world wakes up. I'm proud of the dedication and determination that it takes and most of the time that I possess. 

But it's not just running. Who gets up before 5am to make it to spin class? This girl! Who throws in some push ups in between playing trains with my son? This girl! Who plays in tents, reads books, chases Lil Man while he whoops and hollers, builds castles, makes unrecognizable animals with playdoh  and watches mind numbing cartoons? This girl! Who does yoga and Pilates videos with a 3.5 year old as my workout partner sometimes as added weight? This girl! 

The point being, I encourage you not to trap yourself into one label. Because like me, you are more than just 'one' thing. 

I'm learning not to let one thing define me. I'm many things. Strengths and weakness make me who I am. So yeah I'm a runner. And I #WillRun4IceCream but I'm also so much more. 

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  1. This is great! One of the reasons I am a runner is because I needed to be more than just a nurse/nurse practitioner and a mom. It's nice to have a few identities!

    1. :) Yes it is.. and I found that out the hard way!

  2. Thats so good have to say I am rubbish at running but can go on the cross-trainer for hours .x

  3. Being a runner is not being "just" a runner because it involves a lot of maintaining fitness for both the benefit of the physical health outside and inside. I'm sure there's more runs to come next year. You are an inspiration to the running community! :)

  4. I know that I struggle with labels as a mom. I am so much more than just a mommy or a wifey. I am a writer, a traveler, an adventurer! I hope to one day be able to say that I am a runner too.

  5. I have always wanted to be a runner. I have to remind myself all the time that I am more than just a mom and a wife. That I am a traveler, a blogger and a crafter, and a writer and a daughter and that there is so much more to me than just a mother

  6. I really do have a lot of admiration for runners. They have this endurance that I envy, and would love to duplicate. I can usually zone out to music and do a little bit of running, but I have never felt that freedom and ease that others do. I'm also envious that you get up at 5 am to get your workouts in. I love that your blog is called Will Run for Ice Cream.

  7. I love this, you are so passionate and inspirational to me! I remember back in high school when I used to write, I am not just me.. I'm a dancer, I'm a blogger ...etc. It brings back such great memories. We have to always remember that we should be proud of ourselves! I have such a admiration for runners, any athlete really, such dedication, stamina and passion. I love everything about you! You are my role model:)

  8. This is a great post. It is nice to sometimes sit back and reflect about who you are. I agree, you are not just a runner.


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