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The Post I Didn't Want To Write - Physical Therapy Happened

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This is the post that I didn't want to write.... the ones that says I'm still injured, but finally went to physical therapy and the words hamstring tendinopathy were mentioned (You can read more about it here RunnerConnect

No one, especially an injured runner wants to hear those words .... because my friends this injury might not be short-lived. It's also known to be recurring if not dealt with properly. And my stubbornness of putting off going to seek medical intervention surely didn't help the situation

I was also diagnosed with a severely rotated pelvis. I was told that
 4 to 8 weeks of intense therapy is needed. I think my first initial reaction was.... You are kidding me? 4-8 weeks? At a co-pay each visit, with 3 times a week for 8 weeks? Well that's pretty much not going to happen. 

But after a deep breath, and some reassurance, we decided to do intensive therapy for 2 weeks and re-evaluate how much I could do at home verses how much needed to be 'hands on'. And he didn't say no running or exercise for 8 weeks, just that he thought I would need intense therapy that long. A little ironic that my therapy needs to be intense because it seems that most things that I do are done with intensity. 

As far as exercise goes? For the next two weeks, I'm only approved to do my PT exercises. At first I was pretty bummed about that. I mean my PT exercises are basically only 6 or so exercises - some of them just stretches. He told me to do them twice a day. He did say that I could do upper body arm work, but to make sure that I was seated and that I didn't lift too heavy to lose form or pull any areas. 

Well, after doing my first 'round' of exercises yesterday, I was sore by the end of the day. And I couldn't hold some of the basic stretches without pain. At my evaluation, I asked how much pain could I work through. I think at that point that he realized he's going to have his work cut out for him. He patiently replied 'none'. And he said he didn't think that I knew the difference between soreness and pain - that I was working through pain and saying things were sore - when in fact I was in pain. Sigh. Do ya'll know how hard this is for me? Geez oh Pete... but I'm doing as I was told - even if that means stopping the set before the set is finished. 

In fact, who knew that clams and ball squeezes would be so difficult? 

My first full session at PT is on Monday. Fingers crossed I'm on the road to recovery - even if it might be a long one. 

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  1. I'm glad you're taking this seriously! But it has been my experience that the PTs want to do more than you probably I think you have a good plan going in for 2 weeks and then reevaluating. Hopefully they will give you stuff you can do at home in between sessions.


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