Now, don’t get me wrong. My step count will tell you that I’m still on the move, but that’s my daily life movement. Without exercise, I’m averaging around 100,000 steps a week. If you read my last post (Taking Time For You Is Not Selfish - It's Necessary) then you know that I haven’t exercised consistently since September. Since that post, I’ve struggled to stay on track. In fact, I haven’t exercised since I wrote the last post. I will pause a moment for the collective gasp.
So, I’m back here with you asking you what do you do when you lose your motivation? Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve really lost your mojo?
I’m in need of a change. This is not somewhere that I want to be right now. So this is what I’m going to do:
- Set up appointments with myself and KEEP them. Just writing them in the calendar isn’t enough. I need to actually keep the appointment. I am important, and I am worth it. I need to stop canceling on myself. With my recent change in jobs, the usual times that I would workout with Gixo no longer work for me, but I admit that I haven't tried to find a work around.
- Stick with things that I enjoy doing, and remind myself that not everything has to be super intense.
- Make time for me to exercise a priority. We all know I’m an early riser. I admit I’ve been awake at 4am and 5am. I’m just not exercising! So it’s time to re-examine my priorities and make my health a priority.
- Social media has always been a way to help me stay on track. When I was consistently posting on Instagram, it motivated me to continue to be consistent with exercise. Once I let social media slide, apparently my motivation slid also. So, I plan to get back to consistency with posting which should help me be consistent with exercising. Well, that's what I hope anyway.
Anyone else out there struggling? Let's do this. Today is a new day.
Although I wasn't feeling it, 3 miles on the treadmill for me today... because... well... it's time for a change.
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