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How I'm Handling Being Sidelined

For anyone who has been injured, you know what it can feel like to have your friends continue on with their goals while you sit on the side lines. But the reality is, you don't necessarily have to sit on the sidelines. You can still DO SOMETHING, and although your plan may have been altered, it doesn't mean it's over. (FYI, for you non-runners out there, this can apply to other aspects of life. I have had my share of disappointments and blessings.)

So, most of you know, running (or a massive sweat session) is a major stress reliever for me. Well that was unexpectedly yanked out from under me, and it left me well... duh... super stressed. ha. So I've been working on alternatives to help during this time, and well to be honest, so that I had another way to help me deal with stress. And lately I've felt very frazzled, so I started taking some time to do some deep breathing. You'd be amazed at how much just taking a few moments to take some deep breaths can really help with stress relief. I downloaded this meditation app called
Calm (and I've only done one guided lesson and NO I've never done meditation before and yes you could pray instead of meditating. Honestly, I'm not really sure how I feel about meditation, but basically the lesson that I did is just supposed to help you become more aware of your body. Like I said, I've only done one lesson but it was just focusing on your breath.) HOWEVER, there are unguided meditation options in the app, and what I REALLY like about the app is the breathe section. You focus on taking a deep breath in, holding it for a moment and then letting it out. It's very calming (to me anyway). And there are also screens of rain, or mountains or my favorite the ocean. Anyway, I'll have to experiment more with the app before I can say that I truly recommend it, but from what I've used so far I do like it.

But one issue that I have regarding my eating is not being in tune with my body enough to know my natural body cues in addition to emotional eating. So I'm curious to see if these mental exercises can help me become more aware... within reason of course. I'm not into weird stuff (everyone has their own definition of weird). But so far like I said it's focusing on breath and releasing tension in the body.

But, I may be sidelined from running/biking/intense cardio, but that doesn't mean that I have to be sidelined in other areas. I'm trying to use this as an opportunity to take time to work on other areas in my life - nutrition - stress - goals - getting organized before school starts in a few weeks - shopping (just kidding hubby ;) ). The list goes on and on.

So I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you if you feel sidelined in life.. whether you are an injured runner or if it's something life related.... sometimes a shift in perspective and focus is what is needed to get through difficult times.

I'm choosing to place my focus on things that I CAN DO instead of things that I CAN'T DO.

As far as a foot update goes - it's been 3 weeks. And well, I'm in pain. I've done too much. I know I have. I've taken my son to Hershey Park more than once. And I'm driving more than I should. But honestly, it's the steps in my house that causes me the majority of the pain. I'm up and down the stairs constantly it feels like, and it's usually after I've been up and down a time or two that the aching will begin. I go back to the doctor in a week, and I'm curious to see what she says.

But for now, I'm the star player in finding the best way for me to handle stress, the best way for me to get on point with my nutrition, and experimenting to find other ways to stay active while I am sidelined from running.

Are you sidelined from something in your life right now? Do you have any tips that you'd like to share?

Writing is one of my passions, and I'm stepping out there on faith to follow my dream. If you like this blog or this post, please take a moment to share it with friends. Thank you for helping me follow my dream.

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