I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature.
Well guess what? In addition to my hip injury, my good ole planter fasciitis has decided to say hello again. Am I just completely falling apart? Thankfully I recognized the signs, caught it early, and started rolling rolling rolling as soon as I felt the familiar pain. I also started wearing a night split for a few nights to stretch it out.
But I received the Roll Recovery R3 for an honest review. At first I was skeptical about giving it a try. I mean, seriously, what can this roller do for me that other rollers or devices aren't?
But, I said sure -why not - and I am really glad that I did.
One thing that I really like about the R3 is that it is designed to massage all areas of your foot. You can work the inside, outside and center of your foot. I especially like the smaller side where I can work my heel. I had no idea just how much that my medial and lateral planter fascia needed to be targeted.
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Well guess what? In addition to my hip injury, my good ole planter fasciitis has decided to say hello again. Am I just completely falling apart? Thankfully I recognized the signs, caught it early, and started rolling rolling rolling as soon as I felt the familiar pain. I also started wearing a night split for a few nights to stretch it out.
But I received the Roll Recovery R3 for an honest review. At first I was skeptical about giving it a try. I mean, seriously, what can this roller do for me that other rollers or devices aren't?
But, I said sure -why not - and I am really glad that I did.
The R3 can also be used for your hamstring, calves and back. I put it against my lower walk against the wall and rolled up and down. I was able to pinpoint some super sore spots. Also, because of the size, the R3 is also great for travel.
That being said, my overall opinion for the Roll Recovery R3 is a favorable one. I would definitely recommend it to friends and family.
You can check out the Roll Recovery here along with their other products that they offer.
Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I receive a commission if you make a purchase using the affiliate link.
This looks like another great recovery tool to add into the arsenal. I love a rubz ball for plantar fasciitis too!