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The Hershey 5K Color Run FLASH Giveaway!

I was given a free entry for the Hershey 5K Color Run on June 17, but I'm unable to run. I had a conflict with the date.

The good news is that that means one of YOU can win my entry. Please only enter if you are local or if you are willing to travel to Hershey. You can read more about the event here (

The giveaway closes mid-afternoon June 10th. So get those entries in NOW.

Good luck!

And to register for the race click here.

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  1. Jamminkids...last year was the first time I was able to do a 5k running. I joined my sister with 2 of my 4 kids in a jogging stroller. Harder than I expected mostly cuz of the huge hills with her help and a few others than were near us at the time gave us the extra push up the hills to be able to make this race even better. Loved the color run in Hershey. My mom dad sister, brother in law, my husband and our 4 kids, and a friend of my moms. What a great feeling


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