The flu knocked me off of my feet literally. Hubby helped me with what he could around the house and with Lil Man. But I could feel the pressure of things piling up. My to-do list was becoming longer and longer as Lil Man and I were on the couch with fevers.
Now that we are fever free and getting back into routine life, I woke up this morning feeling the oppressing feeling of being overwhelmed. So many things need to get done, and there is only so much of me to do it you know?
We are still a little too germy for Church. Although we are fever free, Lil Man still has a lot of congestion and is taking tamiflu. I don't want to spread germs, or have him come in contact with more germs. So we are home today. And as I started my day I could feel the anxiety rearing it's ugly head.
So what did I do?
I realized I needed to stop, and take a moment to breathe. And when possible the best place for me to do that is the trail.
I still have a horrible cough, so I kept it super slow and super short. But it was about taking a moment for me, to breathe, to just collect my thoughts, and a moment to get it together so that I could tackle that to-do list in a way that wouldn't drive me or my family crazy.
I have a tendency to allow myself to get really worked up over things sometimes. Do you? What do you do about it?
What I've found that works best is to take a moment to breathe, pray and reflect. Twenty minutes on the trail gave me the clarity that I needed to ahem get it together if you know what I mean.
Sometimes of course that isn't possible, and it's just a moment wherever and whenever I can take it. But I'm overwhelmed usually when I've shifted my focus off of what is truly important. Usually that means I'm focusing on all of the stuff that is just swirling around me, when I need to just be still, let it settle, do what I can, and honestly let the rest go until I can get to it.
So, if anyone reading this is feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I encourage you to take a moment and name 5 positive things about yourself. Seriously, go ahead and do it. You'll thank yourself later!
When life is chaotic or feels out of control, just be still, if only for a moment, and breathe.
Writing is one of my passions, and I'm stepping out there on faith to follow my dream. If you like this blog or this post, please take a moment to share it with friends.
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