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I'm Still Here

Ya'll, I'm still here. I had no idea that trying to juggle everything could be so difficult sometimes. I mean I really have it great that Hubby will help with Lil Man when I need him and those types of things. But he's been traveling some. I've been trying to spend a lot of time with Lil Man with reading / library. He checked out 16 books the last time we went. And he got 12 the time before that. We went twice in one week. That's a lot of reading - it's great - but I found it was more time consuming than I imagined ;) But I've very happy to spend this time with him. And I love his new found freedom of having his own library card.

Also, I've been helping out at school, and the days that I'm not helping out, I've been walking. Yep, you read that right walking. And I don't mean the power walk right below a jog level, I mean walking. As in putting on some music and going for a stroll - whether it's outside or on the treadmill. And I have found that I love it. It's been a great stress reliever. It's not the constant pounding on my feet from running. My tarsal tunnel syndrome is still there with a vengeance.

But I can feel my legs getting stronger with each daily walk without the added stress of running.

I am still running. This week though was very low mileage. Maybe 2 miles? Hubby was gone. I didn't have a lot of cooperation with the treadmill options. I took Miles out for a mile here and there. But that's ok. I'm still working on fitness.

One thing that did happen was I broke a sub 8 mile on the treadmill. I wanted to see if I could do it. And I did. Longest.mile.ever ha ha.. but I did it. Super happy and proud of myself.

I do believe spin class is really helping with my cardio (although I did miss this week. Lil Man and I just couldn't get it together to get there on time). But we spent the morning doing some individual projects and then we spent some quality time together before school.

I know you are curious about my eating / goals / weight. Really, I don't know what to say about it this week... it's been stressful.. I've eaten more at times than I should. And some days I totally listened to my body. I'm learning each day to be the best version of me. So that's all I've got at the moment. No measurements and no scale. I just can't let that little metal box dictate my mood at the moment. I'm dealing with lots of hormone issues and I mean lots! I'll spare you the details, but being 43 isn't as easy as I thought it would be when it comes to hormones.. whew.. and I think I have several more years of this... but that being said... I'm working on me.... and I'm currently thankful for stretchy pants, and that's ok too :)

I got a new play toy this week.. the Garmin Forerunner35. I've only had it a day... so far I really like it. The GPS seems to be consistent with my other garmin watches. I like the built in heart rate monitor and the step counter. So far I'm really happy with it. I'll let you know if that changes.

But that's basically my week... hopefully I can find a better balance with writing, taking care of Lil Man, the house, volunteering, and exercise.... bear with me as I am still working on our new 'normal' after Lil Man has started kindergarten.

Writing is one of my passions, and I'm stepping out there on faith to follow my dream. If you like this blog or this post, please take a moment to share it with friends. Thank you.

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