I'm talking about an unscheduled rest day which means missing a scheduled workout. For me, it's one of the hardest things for me to do.
I don't like missing scheduled workouts, but sometimes truthfully it is just necessary.
If your body is screaming exhaustion... in my personal non professional and certainly not an elite athlete, I say listen. Give it the rest it needs. I'm slowing learning that if I honor my body then my body will in return give me more.
Sure, I could push through, risk injury and possibly set myself up for a chain reaction of events. I know from experience that if I keep on and keep on and keep on when my body says stop or slow down, that not only does that one workout suffer, but future workouts suffer also.
So.... listen.... now.... if your mind is just saying you don't want to because you'd rather just stay in bed... that's a little different.. especially if it's a repeated thing.. There are some times that you do have to push through to get a workout in... that's different than when your mind and body are truly needing a break.
Take it from someone who keeps coming back to this lesson the hard way.... listen... take a rest day... give your body time to heal... it will thank you.. and in the end you'll be thankful too..
Listening to your body and resting is sometimes the best thing you can do for you.... just a little #TuesdayTidbit
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