I might be showing my age here, but do you remember the portable cassette players? Or the CD player and you were so excited to get one with the 'no skip' function? I remember trying to run and walk with those devices. Then came the ipods and wow did my world open up. Then you could listen to the radio or your own music. And now with smart phones you can do all sort of things like watch and listen to videos, games, stream music and the list goes on and on.
So why am I talking about these things?
Well, because all of them can be used with headphones. Raise your hand if you've always kept the volume at a 'safe' level? I admit if a song comes on that I really like, I will usually crank up the volume. And I've had years of exposure to noises louder than they should have been.
Now that Lil Man has his tablet and other devices, I try to be very careful about volume control. I want to protect his hearing. I want to be able to hear his laugh, my loved ones' voices, and the sounds of nature.
Hearing loss happens, and we often forget just how valuable our hearing can be.
I didn't realize that a lot of insurance companies don't cover hearing evaluations and hearing aids. I was surprised to find out that a hearing aid can range from $1,500 to $5,000! Insurances often cover dental and vision, but not always hearing. If you are unsure of your coverage, your HR department should be able to inform you if your insurance (medical or supplemental) covers visits to an audiologist, and hearing aid treatment.
If hearing health is NOT a covered benefit for you, take a stand and request a change. EPIC Hearing Healthcare has created an advocacy flyer that anyone can just share to start a conversation with their HR professional. Download it at: http://www.epichearing.com/listenhear/resources/
Hearing health and hearing insurance is an important topic, and it should not be taken lightly.
Protect your ears - and the ears of your loved ones and friends.
#Listenhear #CoverYourEars #GenerationDeaf
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I used to have the yellow Sony cassette player!!! I am covered by the veterans admin for hearing loss, I do tend to listen to my music a little louder than I should. Thanks for sharing