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The Mighty Mug Really Is Mighty

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

It's happened to the best of us. I've done it, my kid has done it, my husband has done it.. even my dog has done it. What am I talking about? .... knocking over a mug full of something (usually coffee or tea for me). I've ruined books, the carpet.. (don't tell the IT guy) but my computer once got soaked with a cup full of green tea.

When I heard about The Mighty Mug I honestly thought that it seemed a little too good to be true, but I was willing to give it a try.

I admit, the first thing that I did when I got it out of the box was to try to knock it over! From my first attempt, I did have a wow moment because it didn't tip. My next thought was that it had to be hard to lift. I mean if I couldn't knock it over, wouldn't it be hard to lift? (Apparently I have a hard time believing when products claim to do things as I doubted everything about this mug). But to my surprise it lifted like a 'normal' cup.

Here is a little video demonstration that I made.

I was really impressed by The Mighty Mug. I have used it several times. It fits great in my cup holder in my car. It's held up well to washing. The top is snug when it's closed, so use caution when opening it so that it doesn't splash out. But overall, I'm very happy with the Mighty Mug and I would definitely recommend it to my family, friends, and of course you my readers. 

The company was nice enough to give me a coupon code. The first 10 people who use the code mrsglass will save 25%.  Check it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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