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Stay Confident With Stayfree

*This is a sponsored post.

As you know, Running is my 'thing', but I'm also branching out and trying to make sure that I cross-train and strength train to try to work on any muscle imbalances. When I was doing Physical Therapy, it was quite evident that I have a lot of muscle imbalances.

So as I'm healing, I'm trying to make sure that I incorporate other exercises into my routine. I'm hoping that it becomes a habit.

Currently I'm doing yoga, strength training (both at home and the gym), and the elliptical and other cardio equipment. The hard part for me is trying to find the balance. Because as I've upped my other activities, my running has suffered a little since I've been so sore. But I'll find the balance. I'm learning to listen to my body. I'm not there yet, but I'm learning.

If you know me, or have been following my blog, then you know that I usually don't skip on my workouts.
And that means
I workout in the heat of Summer, the frigid cold of Winter, and allergy season in the Spring. It also means working out during that dreaded "time of the month" . I'm usually really lacking energy, and although I might take the intensity down a notch or two, yes, I do continue to workout during that time.

Although I don't want to get too personal, or TMI, but let's be honest ladies, it's not always fun. But there are at least products to help so that we can continue going about our normal everyday life. 

I'm talking about Stayfree

They have a myriad of products to choose from to meet your individual needs. Although I don't normally wear a pad or liner when running, I do use them when cross-training, doing yoga or strength training. 

Because of Stayfree, I can workout with confidence knowing that I'm protected. I realize this isn't a subject that most of us freely talk about, but liners can also be used for daily use. 

While I'm on the subject, from January - and March 12, 2015, purchase any Stayfree product, upload your receipt to and get a 30-day membership to My Yoga on Gaiam TV. How awesome is that! 

Stayfree gives me confidence - it can give you confidence too. 

What in your life gives you confidence? 

I'm A Top Health & Fitness Blogger @ Top Mommy Blogs - Please Click To Give Me A Vote

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Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. I swear pushing through and getting my workout in at 'that time' is the best thing I can do. I think I even run better then. Ha!

    1. Sometimes I just don't have the energy! But then sometimes I'm so emotional that a good 'angry' run does me good ha.

  2. i am not a running person but i have to say recently i have started to going out atleast for walks becasue it makes me feel better and free my mind.Stayfree is an amazing product i think.i am gonna definatly try this.thanx for sharing

    1. Upload your receipt and get that month of free yoga :)

  3. I'm not a runner, but my best friend recently started yoga and raves about it every time I talk to her. She says it's the perfect exercise for "our age" (50 something). I think I'll take her up on the offer.

    1. It has definitely helped with my flexibility!

  4. -6 degrees? You are officially me hero :) I cannot run due to an injury, but even getting to the gym and jumping on the elliptical with this weather has been a struggle. You have totally motivated me to get back at it tomorrow- thank you!

    1. Good luck! Yep, coming back from injury it isn't fun. And I had a hard time getting to the gym also.. but once I got there I was so glad I did. But yeah, -6 I think is the record for me so far.

  5. I seriously wish I had it I me to run!!! I am all about the gym life but running... Ughhh..... I give all you runners mad props for what y'all do ;-) stay free is definitely a great company. And how awesome is it you can get 30 days off free yoga?!? That's an awesome incentive if you ask me ;-)

    1. I say as long as you are moving it's all good :) But I have to admit, nothing gives me a good sweat like my running does.

  6. Good for you for pushing thru during that time of the month!! I have noticed that working out makes mine less brutal. I love the Stayfree line they make the uncomfortableness a lot more comfortable than other brands, it’s my personal go to product.

    1. I agree... I think sometimes a good workout is what I need to help with cramps and feeling bleh!

  7. With Stayfree, you can stay and feel confident all day and do not have to worry about leaks. It's really hard to move about when I'm on my period. I also work out all the time so having a protective pad will be a big help!

    1. Yeah, and I'm always paranoid something is leaking out.. so it's nice to know that these products work.

  8. Yeah, you're basically amazing! What an inspiration! :) I just started my lovely "P" today and while I know that exercise is supposed to help - I'd rather eat chocolate on the couch :( Ugh. Tomorrow I'm doing it though - gotta push through!

  9. I love doing yoga. I actually go to this local class that specializes in yoga for big girls. I love it and it's helping me to become more flexible and that helps when I'm walking daily. Thanks for the info about this free trail.

  10. Stay free are perfect for all seasons! I love to run as well and I love using stay free! Thanks for sharing this awesome post! And way to go for running in -6 weather!

  11. working out is the last thing I want to do during that time of the month. Mine are pretty horrible and last about 2 weeks, it's pretty insane.. mad props to you! Those temps are crazy cold, I don't even want to walk outside with temps like that.

  12. All I can say is more power to you for working on your health and wellness ALL year round! If I was healthy and had the ability, I like to think that I would be as dedicated to my exercise routines as well :) Thanks so much for sharing this great opportunity with everyone!

  13. I already work out. However, I am more focussed on cardio right now. This might finally be my chance to start Yoga, which I've always wanted, and become calmer, more energized and find balance. Lot's of my coworkers do Yoga and they swear by it :)


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