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Strengthen Your Core With The Bellyminator

 Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

I don't believe in quick fixes. I don't believe in gimmicks, pills, potions and magical shakes. I know others swear by certain products, but in my own opinion I think it takes dedication, eating healthy, and exercise (whatever form that you choose that works best for you). So when I heard about the Bellyminator I was a little skeptical, cause I just wasn't so sure. But I was curious enough to try it. So it did at least have the curiosity factor for me.

The Bellyminator is a really simple device. It's touts to be "The only all-day ab trainer in the world" It's basically a strap that you wear around your waist with a little buckle that 'snaps' when you release your abs. It seemed simple, a little too simple.

For me, the setup wasn't as easy as the packaging suggested. I had a hard time finding 'a spot' to put the pad. No matter where I put it, it would disengage or just poke me. At first I had it too tight. Then I had it too loose. I tried several different places before I found 'the spot' that worked for me. So on the first day I didn't wear it very long, and really didn't think this device was going to work for me. The packaging directions say to only wear it 20-40 minutes the first few days.

Well, the second day, while I was doing housework, I thought I would give the Bellyminator another try. By this point, I had the setup correct, so all I had to do was put it on my waist and snap it. It took about 5 minutes for it to stop snapping every minute (because I was releasing my stomach). I went about my business cleaning the house, when I realized it hadn't snapped in awhile. My first thought was "this thing isn't working". But, to my surprise, it was still engaged, cause, well, my abs were still engaged. Yep, I was engaging my abs without thinking about it. How freaky is that! I mean, this little strap had me subconsciously holding my stomach in, which I believe, is the object of the Bellyminator. It's a device to get you to support your core.

When I went to put the Bellyminator on the 3rd day, well, I had to take it in. Yep, it was too big. Keep in mind, I'm running and lifting weights etc. So I can't say that using the Bellyminator alone caused the difference, but I will say that I think that it helped. So I had to re-adjust the strap to make it tighter.

I have weak abs. And I haven't been able to wear it longer than 20 minutes at a time.  But if you are looking for a device to help you strengthen your core, I think the Bellyminator might be worth your time checking out.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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