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My 30 Day Food Challenge Starts Now

If you've been following me then you know that tried to sugar detox and I crashed and burned badly on the fourth day. And since then I've tried modified versions, but not really wholeheartedly.

Recently, I was approached by a mail order food plan to test their food and review it. I had never heard of them before, and after a little research I thought that I might give them a try. Their food seemed healthier than most traditional frozen dinners. And they had very strict guidelines that I had to follow. If I didn't, I would be kicked out of the program, and I would have to reimburse them for the food. This was enough of a 'yikes' factor for me that might force me to stay within the program. I would really like to see results with decreased sugar consumption and overall healthy eating.

However, after thinking about it for a couple of days, I honestly didn't want to eat something different than my family. I would be preparing the meals that were sent to me. But I would still have to prepare something for my family. I was 'forbidden' to eat anything not approved by the meal plan. And this was a red flag for me. Does this mean at a playdate that I have to bring my own food? What if someone wanted to meet us somewhere out to eat? There are healthy options that I could choose from while dining out, but would I have to turn down meals or not eat out for the next 28 days because I was doing this program? Also, my blood pressure is a little high lately with added weight gain, and the food was a little heavy on the sodium. And why does it take a signed contract so to speak to keep me 'on track'?

So after much debate (with myself), I have decided not to review this food plan, but to instead begin my own 30 day food review by eating healthy with little to no sugar (mainly moderation) as part of a healthy lifestyle. And yes, I realize Thanksgiving is next week, and with Hubby out of town, Lil Man and I plan to make lots of cookies. I thought about waiting until after the holidays, but you know, there is always 'something' in life. Cause after the holidays it will be Hubby's bday, Valentine's day and the list goes on and on. I think the key for me will be moderation.

I am really feeling the results of too much sugar in my system. I'm having massive mood swings, my joints are aching, and I overall feel bleh. I know that I truly need to make a change, and this change needs to happen sooner verses later.

My weight has crept up. And although I don't want to focus on a number on a scale, I do know that the increased pounds are causing me some issues with blood pressure as well as some female related problems.

I don't want to post my weight or BMI for several reasons. First, I'm not overweight. I am however at the higher end of normal for my weight. And I don't want anyone to look at the number and judge me, or judge themselves. I am 4'10" and that plays a big part when it comes to looking at numbers.

I personally don't want to post a 'before' picture because well, I'm not very happy with this picture. But to hold myself true and accountable, I will post a before pic and an after pic to see if there is any difference. My main goal is that I will feel different (less aches and pains) and feel healthier. My second goal would also be to drop a few pounds and tone up. I'm curious to see if there will be any outward change in 30 days. I guess we'll find out. (and just so you know - I don't do photoshop :)

Here is the before November 20, 2014.

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  1. Good luck with your 30 day Food Challenge. When I couldn't shed the baby weight after my son, I tried P90X3, a 90 day program. I was skeptical, but it really worked, and it showed me how to eat better. I lost about 10 lbs from it and an extra 10 from running and other activities. For me, weight training and more protein seemed to do the trick. I started my blog as a diary of my 90 days, it has since evolved into something quite different (a blog about running) but writing about my experience helped me stay accountable.So, good luck and I hope you succeed.

    1. Congrats on your weight loss! Yeah, this blog has started has running and has morphed into running, general fitness and health with daily life thrown into the mix! Thank you for sharing your success.


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