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Marathon Training No One Said It Would Be Easy Or Even Always Fun

 No one said that it would be easy, or that it would always be enjoyable, and always fun. But when you've made a commitment - it's a commitment - and you see it through (and no I'm not talking about marriage, although I could easily make a correlation between the two). I'm referring to my marathon training.

See, last Sunday I had a 14 mile run on the schedule. Mentally I felt blah. Physically I felt 'ok' but not stellar. And when it came down to it, my mental blah won in the end and I bailed at 6 miles on my 14 mile run. If I thought I felt bad mentally before, I really felt bad mentally after bailing on the run. My trainer, being the trainer that she is, simply said, can you get in a 2 hour or so run on Monday? Gulp, I suppose so.

And that's just what I did.

It required me getting up before the sun woke up so that I could get in a 2 hour run before Hubby went to work. I am TERRIFIED of running solo in the dark. But I had bailed on my Long Run the day before, and the marathon is fast approaching, so I told myself to suck it up and get it done. That was Monday. 

Tuesday was a 5 mile run in the rain. 

Wednesday was 8 Miles (also part of it was in the rain). It pretty much felt like we were running in the rain forest. It was super humid. 

And today was Tempo Run Thursday. The plan was a gradual build up peaking at 8:12, and then a gradual back down for 45 minutes. NAILED IT! I actually wound up peaking at 8:06. This run was tough. My legs are tired, but it's done. 

Tomorrow is REST day! Whew, and I'm ready for it. Because Saturday and Sunday are waiting for me with a 6 miler and 15 miler. 

No one said it would be easy. But marathon training is a journey, a learning experience, and one of the biggest commitments that you will make to yourself - for yourself.

What is it that you do for you?

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  1. I think it would take me 3 times that long to run those routes.. more power to you!

    1. :) It's taking me awhile, but I'm getting there ha

  2. It;s never fun or easy for me. I give you a huge pat on the back!!

  3. I am following you for motivation! I am starting training next week from the very bottom. I dream of living your accomplishments in my future!

    1. Good for you! Slow and steady... don't too too much too fast. I can't wait to her all about it!

  4. I commend you on your training! I know that for me it would be too intense.

    1. It's very time consuming to marathon train... that's for sure!

  5. That's so awesome. I don't have very good willpower but would love get into running again.

    1. I do ok with the will power (most of the time) with the running. I have a problem with the lack of will power when it come to nutrition.

  6. Wow! Kudos to you - your going to have amazing toning too!

    1. I'm working on it... would probably get more toning if I would stop eating so much LOL

  7. Way to go! I would be scared of running alone in the early morning too. However, it's very cool you're doing what you have to in order to accomplish your goals!

    1. Thank you.. I always run with pepper spray! :)

  8. Marathon training does take consistency and hardwork. It looks like you are bringing in the mileage.

  9. I love your attidude and never let go of that. Great job. It is a big challenge to yourself and you have to look at how far you have come. Thanks for sharing.

  10. wow i envy youuuu! goodluck to you

    1. Thanks.. I'm hoping the 3rd time is the charm.

  11. I want to be active again. I think running is perfect to lose extra pounds.

  12. I am also running post baby. I am usually running 9 -10 minute miles. I do run so I can eat some ice cream sometimes. :)

    1. Good job! and 9-10 minute miles are awesome.

  13. So i strted doing couch to 5k and injured my foot. now i lost momentum and need to get back into it. my goal is to RUN a full mile (sad i know) by November when my brother comes back down (he is an amazing runner). I hope I can still do it. I am sadly out of shape.

    1. If your foot is healed, start the program over... that's the program that I used after I had my son.... we've all been there.. just begin again... and it took me awhile to run a full mile.. I remember that well.. so keep on keeping on.. you'll get there!

  14. I love your dedication, even in the rain! Good luck!

  15. Found your blog through GGS. I'm from Lancaster! (: Excited to follow!

  16. Wow, what an amazing accomplishment! You should be so proud of yourself!

  17. Wow..kudos to you. what an amazing accomplishment.

  18. Hey congrats for the run!! I would have never been able to run so much

  19. WOW, I will give you credit because I can't run!! Not like that. I think I would fall over and die, hahhaha More power to you!!


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