I knew that I didn't have a lot of time to make a decision. This week I had already missed one run, today was another missed run, and I had to make up my mind if I was going to continue marathon training or take a different path.
I was pretty sure of my decision this morning, and although my husband was disappointed that I may not run the marathon, he also supports me in my decision. By lunchtime today I had totally made up my mind that I was not going to run a full marathon in October.
However my backup plan was to run the Hershey half marathon the following weekend. Yesterday when I logged on there were spots available. Today, it was sold out.
Cue the depressing dramatic sad music. I was pretty much crushed because I had decided that I was not going to run the full, but now I didn't have a back up race. I have done a lot of training this summer, and although even if I don't run a race it won't go to waste, I would still like to use this training to run a race.
I went on a search to find races. I found one. I have registered for the Gettysburg Blue-Gray Half marathon. I hear that it is a very hilly course. So I'm sure that it will be challenging. It's two weeks later then the marathon so it's a little later than I wanted. But at least it's a race. I went ahead and registered before it could sell out because I knew that since Hershey is now sold out, the other races during that time may sell out also.
How do I feel? I feel okay right now. I'm actually relieved. However I know myself well enough to know that there will be times that I will second-guess this decision. But I think overall that I have made the right decision for me.
Do I plan to run another marathon? Someday… just not right now.
So let's see if I can run a sub two hour half marathon. That's my next goal.
One path ends - another begins.
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