This is me today...
After my run yesterday, my calf felt pretty sore and tight. I stretched as best as I could. I walked on it all day with the family. Then last night, I rolled, and rolled, and rolled some more.
It was tender to walk on it in the middle of the night. Lil Man got into our bed again (sigh) at 2:30am. So I took some motrin (in case of inflammation). This morning I stretched. It felt ok when walking. So I did my 1 mile #RunningStreak. It felt fine during the run. I was getting breakfast when Lil Man spilled his entire cup of milk on the carpet. I turned to go down to the basement, as I was running down the steps, by about the 3rd step or so.. I felt it... a pull, a nice sharp pain, and my calf muscle immediately 'knotted' up.
Several hours later, I'm still unable to walk without pain. I've iced several times. I'm using compression. And I'm resting (as much as possible with a 2 year old).
I made it 13 days on the #RunningStreak. At this point, I'm not sure how bad the injury is.... but I'm afraid that I am injured. I was just about to commit to a 5 mile run at the end of December. And I was looking at a possible Half this Spring.
Right now I'm not visiting the DR unless the pain is still this bad in a few days. I imagine at this point he would tell me to do what I'm doing - R.I.C.E. Anyone ever dealt with calf injuries? Any advice?
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