Last week was my first 7 mile run, and I wasn't 100% sure what this week's long run would be especially since I haven't slept much this entire week. I had wanted to do 8, but just wasn't sure if that was going to happen this week.
The temp was only 71, but it was VERY VERY humid. Within a mile, I was soaked with sweat already.Also, the route that I was running, I had to pass my car 4 times which I don't like to do. It makes it too easy to just stop.
But I found the will power today to keep moving. The main goal was just to do the distance. But, I also had hoped that I could keep the pace to the mid to lower 11:00's. For the most part, I ran a fairly even pace give or take 30 seconds. Mile splits were: Mile 1 ~ 10:40, Mile 2 ~ 11:17, Mile 3 ~ 11:13, Mile 4 ~ 11:32, Mile 5 ~ 11:09, Mile 6 ~ 11:30, Mile 7 ~ 10:56, Mile 8 ~ 11:14. Overall, my average pace was 11:11. I was pleased today with the distance and the pace.
I do believe I may have patted myself on the back a little once I got home. First of all for getting up early after very little sleep to run, and then for completing the run. There just may be an ice cream cone in my future.
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